Geo-caching in Barbados

Geocaching is like a high tech scavenger hunt. It allows you to use the capabilities built into all modern cell phones (GPS) and leverage it to find hidden spots and caches that are maintained by a global community of volunteers. It's a great way to discover new places locally but also while you are on vacation!

There are a number of geocaches in Barbados including one hidden on the public roadside of Long Breeze Villa! We won't give away too much but your first cache could be right outside the villa. Promise though you won't be bothered by any geocachers unless you want to say hello.
Get the free Official Geocaching app and join the world’s largest treasure hunt.
There are millions of geocaches worldwide, just waiting for you to find them. There are probably even some within walking distance of where you are right now. Visit to see just how many geocaches are nearby and to learn how to start finding them.